Public Health 2022 International Medical Fair

The PUBLIC HEALTH exhibition is the first international event in Ukraine and the fourth in Europe and is a full member of UFI (Universal Association of the Exhibition Industry).
Every year “Zdravookhranenie” gathers more than 300 leading manufacturers and distributors of equipment, services, medicines, medical products from Ukraine and other countries.
For more than two decades, the exhibition has been helping to expand the market and strengthen partnerships for companies from Germany, the Czech Republic, Latvia, Lithuania, Italy, China, India, Singapore, Great Britain, the Netherlands, USA, the Republic of Belarus, Poland, Turkey, Austria, Moldova and Ukraine.
Among the exhibitors will be Lauma Medical, which annually presents a number of different medical devices. Elastic medical bandage and elastic medical belt received the greatest recognition among specialists and consumers, which won the leading positions in the categories of their respective medical devices. Compression knitwear will also be presented at the booth.
See you at the Lauma Medical booth!